

2017/10/15 13:04:33 www.zb8.com.cn 互联网



Bruvar(阿森纳球迷):弗拉米尼掌控了全场比赛,他以一己之力发起了我厂几乎每一次有威胁的进攻,然后再亲自把它浪费掉…(Flamini had quite the game, managing to take and throw away almost every serious chance Arsenal had in the game.)

Nannerbots(阿斯顿维拉球迷):毫无疑问,本场最佳堪属迭戈-科斯塔,且听我细细道来:1.导致对手得红牌;2.攻入了制胜球;3.保证本赛季阿森纳无法从切尔西身上拿分;4.让阿森纳球迷恨死他了…(MOTM for this match is undoubtedly Diego Costa, as much as it is annoying to admit it. Drew a red card, Scored the match winner, Ensured that Arsenal get no points from Chelsea in the 15/16 Prem, Sent the Arsenal fans into hate overdrive.)

Ps3FifaCfc95(凯尔特人球迷):20年来,这是切尔西表现最差的一个赛季,但阿森纳送分的一片痴情从未改变。(Chelsea's worst season in 20 odd years, and Arsenal still can't get a fucking point off them)

Doormat(切尔西球迷):如果没有这6分,我们的保级形势将是多么严峻。(Imagine if these 6 points are what keeps us up)

DatGuyRich(曼联球迷):温格在赛前就说要做出改变,要知道本赛季切尔西还没能在一个月里赢下两场联赛,果然阿森纳改变了这一切!(Wenger were aimed at making changes in this match. Actually chelsea up to this point had only won game each month this season, trust Arsenal to change that!)

Uptofaster(伯恩茅斯球迷):切尔西又刷新了自己本赛季最长时间不败的纪录,真不愧是卫冕冠军。(Chelsea are on the longest unbeaten streak this season, really worthy of a defend champion.)


Tedzincnitrate(纽卡斯尔球迷):有了英超,谁特么还需要嗑药啊!(Who needs drugs when you have the Premier League?)

Dsape(纽伦堡球迷):你要是诺维奇球迷的话,赛后的确是得吃点药了…(You Need drugs if you are a Norwich fan after that performance)

Shady_maniac(巴萨球迷):第二天,克洛普来到训练场对球员们说:“小伙子们,今天我们训练一项新技能,名字叫做‘防守’。”(Klopp walks on the training ground next morning…Lads today we learn about this new trick called defending.)

Sir_Psycho_Sexy_(利物浦球迷):“防守?对不起教练,我们听不懂德语…”"defending? ... sorry boss, we don't speak German"

Fuzzyfeels(某不愿透露主队的球迷):安息吧!渣叔之镜。(R.I.P Klopp's glasses)

Liverpool_FrawstY(利物浦球迷):这是克洛普第二次弄坏眼镜了,以前在多特蒙德,球员们在庆祝时也曾打掉了他的眼镜。根据某位仁兄所述,那副眼镜现在还在多特蒙德的博物馆里放着呢!(This is the second time it happened to him. Back in Dortmund, he got his specs broken when celebrating with players also. According to someone in the post that went to the front page, those glasses are now in a museum.)

PeskyPrussian(南安普顿球迷):这是拉拉纳职业生涯最佳黄牌。(Best yellow card of Lallana's career)

Rpoolrjolly(利物浦球迷):又一次我们放弃了防守,只为体验进攻的快乐,只是这次不再有苏亚雷斯和杰拉德了。(Once again we sacrifice our defence for entertainment, but this time without Suarez and Gerrard.)


(某不愿透露姓名的球迷甲):孟菲斯-德佩是本赛季曼联在老特拉福德球场唯一一名能够在联赛上半场进球的球员——那已经是去年9月份的事了。(Memphis Depay is the only United player to score a first half Premier League goal at Old Trafford this season - That was in September last year.)

n3o7(曼联球迷):对我而言,现在看我魔的比赛已经成为了一种义务,而不是一种乐趣了…(Watching us play feels like duty instead of entertainment.)

TongueDart(曼联球迷):妈妈再也不用担心我上厕所错过比赛精彩瞬间了,因为全场都没什么像样的机会…(I don't even worry about bathroom breaks mid-game anymore. chances are I won't miss a thing.)

 (某不愿透露姓名的球迷乙):当今足坛,莱斯特城成为英超领头羊,柏林赫塔位居德甲三强,埃瓦尔名列西甲第六,尼斯、昂热和卡昂分别排在法甲第二、五、六位。你不能忽略任何一支小球队的雄心,他们也能屹立在豪强之上。(We currently have Leicester (1st) in the Premier League, Hertha (3rd) in the Bundesliga, Eibar (6th) in La Liga and Nice, Angers, Caen (2nd, 5th, 6th) in Ligue 1. Which of these smaller teams do you think can hold their position until the end and upset somer bigger teams?)


NorthwardRM(巴萨球迷):你俩来追我,你们追得上我,我就让你们嘿嘿嘿~(Glad to see Real and Atletico lose point when we keep on wining, lol.)

Shady_maniac(巴萨球迷):就我们这破烂防守,不打成5-4就已经谢天谢地了。(This might be another 5-4 judging by our defending.)

CHARLIE_SHEEN (巴萨球迷):别这么悲观嘛,就咱这锋线状态,被马拉加打成4-1倒是有可能。(Not likely, we've hardly created anything going forward. Maybe 4-1 to Malaga.)

(某不愿透露姓名的球迷丙):现在皇马状态低迷,听说弗罗伦蒂诺已经禁止C罗去摩洛哥了…摩洛哥方面甚至还保证,一旦C罗入境就立马告诉老佛爷…Perez bans Cristiano Ronaldo from going to Morocco due to poor performances, King Mohamed VI of Morocco has promised to tell Perez every time Ronaldo enters the country.)

9ruller10(马竞球迷):我有点担心齐达内帅位不保了…(Actually I start to worry about Zidane’s manager career in Real Madrid.)

Hutgab(马洛卡球迷):瞎说什么呢?人家齐达内在皇马至今不败好吧?(We should trust Zidane that he still kept unbeaten as the Real’s coach.)

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