

2017/10/15 8:57:45 www.zb8.com.cn 互联网




errRobbie(英格兰球迷):玛德我本来发誓不看今年欧洲杯的!如此大英,怎能不看!(For fucks sake, I promised myself I wouldn't get hyped for the Summer. It's coming home lads)

wwxxyyzz(桑德兰球迷):这两个球都是“无中生有”创造出的机会!(Both of their goals came from nothing!)

2002_the_yearoflinux(江苏苏宁球迷):别高兴太早啊,几个月前美国人也是这么庆祝友谊赛的,看看现在他们在哪呢;-) (Just remember Americans celebrating their friendly wins a few months ago, and where they are now. ;-))

silppstroke(英格兰球迷):美国可没有瓦尔蒂。(They don't have Vardy though)

hailmattyhall(布拉福德球迷):谁快去把鲁尼装进冰箱里!(Someone go and lock Wayne in a cupboard please)

d0mth0ma5(曼联球迷):看这场比赛的时候儿子刚出生16个小时,我现在觉得他这一生都充满了希望。(As I watch this game in hospital with my 16 hour old son I can't help but feel that this gives him unsustainable expectations in this world.)

Cruiseway(英格兰球迷):……快让他看一场你魔的比赛冷静一下。(Put some united games on it'll calm him right down)

MICOTINATE(南安普顿球迷):这支年轻的英格兰太让人激动了,我已经准备好欧洲杯的时候被打脸了!(Looking forward to this young, exciting England side massively disappointing me in the summer!)

RandomLegend(德国球迷):为啥我要看这种比赛,友谊赛就应该用全部身家买德国输。(Why do I even bother to watch these? I could bet my house on Germany losing a friendly at this point.)


cuntanueva(河床球迷):知道我们为什么踢得烂吗?梅西1v5的时候其他人一!动!不!动!别说跑位了,连吸引防守队员都不会。这真是迷之战术,十年了一直都是这样xjbt。(You wanna know why we suck? Look at this play. Messi vs 5 and EVERYONE ELSE IS STATIC. No one even moves to give him alternatives or carry a mark. This is so frustrating. It's been like 10 years of this shit.)

IsNoyLupus(博卡球迷):拉维奇一定是钱包太沉跑不动了。(Lavezzi's wallet so heavy he cannot run)

CybeRuffian(希腊球迷):阿根廷一个南美大国,tmd连一个会用梅西的教练都找不出来,简直是犯罪。(It's a crime against humanity that argentina can't find a bloody coach to utilize messi right.)

bdlblob(阿根廷球迷):给马蒂诺跪了,手里这么好的阵容,每场比赛都在刷新xjbt的下限。(Martino is awful...how can you play so poorly and cowardly again and again with a world class squad?)

Terrible_Matador(什鲁斯伯里球迷):感觉智利球员一穿上那身红色战袍就变身超级赛亚人了,真是不可思议。(So many Chilean players suddenly become world class when they put on that red shirt. It's uncanny.)


JordiCule(巴萨球迷):变的是时间,不变的是苏牙血虐路易斯的剧情。(Year in, year out, Suarez makes Luiz his personal bitch.)

Abodinho(佛罗伦萨球迷):不敢相信我还替路易斯说过话,我这洗地水平也是没谁了。(Man I can't believe I've ever defended Luiz, what a horrible defending job by him.)

Gleidom(巴西球迷):大家都喜欢讨论伪九号,巴西也有个伪四号。路易斯是什么我不管,反正不是中后卫。(Everybody in the world talking about FALSE NINES. Brazil have a FALSE FOUR. David Luiz is everything, except for a centre back.)

imwatters(利物浦球迷):巴西还是得重新征召弟媳。(Brazil needs Thiago Silva back.)

DREDem(皇马球迷):这道理伊布的奶奶都知道,然而邓加就是不知道。(Well even Ibra’s grandma knows it while Dunga dosen’t)


iniestas(巴萨球迷):这种动作连黄牌都不给!啊,黑哨!(Even not a yellow card for the linesman! Blatant!)

notjakee(利物浦球迷):这应该直接给红牌啊,博斯克都没看见。(Straight red imo. Del Bosque never saw it coming.)

AlessioJuve(尤文球迷):意大利现在的首发真是我见过的最差没有之一,还好新生代球员的质量都很不错。(This Italy lineup has to be the worst I've ever seen. At least the generation coming up is supposed to be pretty solid.)

VixVixious(尤文球迷):意大利勇夺2022世界杯!(Qatar 2022 will be ours!)

demonictoaster(曼联球迷):西班牙的球衣像是吃了一身热狗。(Spain's shirts look like they took part in a hotdog eating contest)

讲道理,还是我们的西红柿炒鸡蛋更像啊……o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

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