YSCory(法国球迷):这下欧冠席位也拿到了,我就想知道拉涅利之后还能用啥攒人品。(Wonder what Ranieri will say after next match.)
ujussab(莱斯特城球迷):不不不,我们刚确保第四,只是能踢欧冠资格赛了而已。(We only have a spot in the qualifiers right now because we're only guaranteed 4th.)
momster777(阿森纳球迷):滚犊子,第四是我们的!(Fuck off, 4th place is ours.)
Carbonero(佩纳罗尔球迷):我们一定是活在别人的FM存档里了。(Fuck we're in someone's FM save file.)
MattC53(曼联球迷):把坎特放在跑步机上,他都能给一个第三世界国家供能。(Put Kantè on a treadmill and he'd power a 3rd world country)
wonderfuladventure(桑德兰球迷):对,他之前都是跑步去训练,跑步回家的。(Yeah, he used to run to training and back home again)
Dob-is-Hella-Rad(雷丁球迷):而且他一直住在法国,嗯。(Actually he still lived in France)
HoboTed10801(阿森纳球迷):我简直要爱死这个老头子了,他赋予球员们的激情和努力,还有一直不谈争冠的这份谦逊。多希望他是我爷爷啊。(I love everything about this guy. The way he instills passion and hard work in his players, the humility with which he denies Leicester's title chance- I wish he was my grandfather.)
kozeljko(热刺球迷):我也希望有个工资这么高的爷爷。哈哈开玩笑,拉涅利真的是毫无黑点。无论他们最终能否夺冠,他为莱斯特城所做的一切都令人不可置信。为什么这段童话偏要在这赛季上演呢【叹息】(I too wish my grandfather was that well paid. Jokes aside, I agree. Can't seem to hate this guy. What he did to Leiceister is unreal, regardless if they win the title(which they will). I just wish he had picked a different season to do this, sigh.)
Rhayadder(巴萨球迷):讲道理,这场欧冠淘汰赛的重要性显然要比国家德比重要,可为什么你们会把卡瓦哈尔这样的世界级右后卫放在替补席上,而首发达尼洛呢……(Serious question, how do you use Carvajal, one of the best RB's in the world right now, in El Clasico, a match which won't change the outcome of La Liga this season, and then play Danilo in the match which actually matters for Real's trophy hopes.)
EyeMAdam(皇马球迷):我!T!M!也!想!知!道!(Who! The! Fuck! knows!)
Khsr1(热刺球迷):马塞洛真是个**。(So Marcelo's a cunt.)
Jimleader(埃弗顿球迷):踢人,头槌,跳水。真是教科书般的**帽子戏法。(A kick out, a headbutt, and a dive. A perfect cunt-trick)
Greedy21(巴萨球迷):可能马塞洛以为这是阿诺德-施瓦辛格吧。(Maybe Marcelo took Arnold as Schwarzenegger)
calvinswagg(巴萨球迷):这个主场有毒。(This stadium is cursed.)
JustSmall(牙买加球迷):近两场比赛,皇社先后击败了欧冠冠军和欧联冠军。(Real Sociedad have now defeated both the reigning Champions league winner as well as the reigning Europa League winner within two games.)
redblackjoker(皇社球迷):皇家社会,欧洲之巅。(Real Sociedad confirmed top European Team.)
DivineVibrations(巴萨球迷):我很少一场论,但梅西真是该休息了。(I'm not usually one to overreact but Messi should rest now)
ZiM0x(利物浦球迷):感觉他现在的心思都不在球场上。(Looks like his head is somewhere else right now)
PhreshPits(阿森纳球迷):可能……在巴拿马。(Probably Panama)
tocitus(曼联球迷):中锋踢左前,左前踢中锋,右前踢中场,中场踢右前。我看场上所有人都是一脸懵逼。(ST playing LW, LW plying ST, RW playing CAM, CAM playing RW. Honestly neither of them knew what to do next.)
RxBandit(英格兰球迷):这就是范师傅的哲学啊!如果连我们自己都不知道在踢什么,那对手就更不知道了!(Van Gaal's thoughts behind his team selection: " If our players are confused about the positions they are playing, the opposition will be confused as well...")
Hvanndal(曼联球迷):……还不如一直塞车呢。(I wish we were still stuck in traffic.)
samreids(热刺球迷):反正你们来也是输3-0,不来也是输3-0……要是不来的话场面还好看点。(United would have had the same score if they'd just not turned up at all. Probably would've put in a better performance too.)
Balfe(切尔西球迷):说明你们大巴功夫还不到位啊。(You couldn't park the bus, that was your problem.)
distilledwill(莱斯特城球迷):反正都延迟了,这场比赛不如就算0-0吧,对大家都好嘛,你们说呢?(Man U stuck in traffic. Just put this down as a nil-nil draw and move on guys? GUYS?)
上一篇: 国足海报:以梦为马,不负韶华
下一篇: 高洪波:做好自己,对伊韩要以柔克刚
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