

2017/10/15 5:02:26 www.zb8.com.cn 互联网




Bubblecuper(西汉姆联球迷)帕耶啊,求求你别再进球了,这是一位害怕至极的西汉姆联球迷最真挚的祷告…(Payet, stop scoring please. Sincere pray from a scared West Ham fan.)

Youenquun12hut(尤文图斯球迷)很高兴大家的目光都被帕耶吸引住,而波霸反而被忽视了。皇马你看到了吗?快把那西汉姆联射手签下来!放过我文的杀马特少年吧…(Glad to see everyone's attention has been attracted by Payet that Pogba has already been forgot. Sign the West Ham striker real Madrid and leave our little boy alone.)

Explicitlary(波尔多球迷)法国现在保持全胜,而且球队没爆出任何丑闻, 更重要的是,我们踢得更像是一个整体,我们有什么理由不夺冠呢?(France have win all their matches and so far there don’t seem to be any scandals and what’s more, France appear to be playing as a team. There is no reason we couldn’t win the trophy. )


Flavioxavier(布拉加球迷)法国队最近的4粒进球有3粒是在第89分钟之后打进的,这真是绝妙至极的战术!他们先是表现地像赢不了一样,直到最后对手放松警惕时再鬼鬼祟祟地进一球。(Three of France’s four goals at Euro Come in the 89th minute or later, great tactics that they pretend not to be able to finish all game, and then sneak one in the last minute while they’re not looking.)

Grossdemande(美因茨球迷)高卢无大将,吉鲁做锅锋。(Actually I think Giroud should be blamed for lack of goals.)


Ps3FifaCfc95(苏格兰球迷)比利时在大赛中的表现像极了2008年之前的西班牙。(Belgium in big matches is so pre-2008 Spain.)

Chiellini(意大利球迷)更像1966年后的英格兰。(More in England 1966 -)



Yuenuesed(墨西哥美洲队球迷)我绝对想不到,巴西这一个争冠的队伍,怎么就在小组被淘汰了。(Still can’t figure out why such a tournament favorite like Brazil should be wiped out at group stage.)

Cockiesdisk(未知主队球迷)一个球队的成绩啊,当然是靠自己的奋斗,当然也得考虑历史的进程。(They just played without morale which is vital to win. In fact it's not the time for them.)


VoldyDunks(阿森纳球迷)桑切斯的进球太帅了!智利强势回归!(What a goal by Alexis and what a bounce back by Chile)

Nasantikundera(洪都拉斯球迷)每一粒天外飞仙的背后,都有一个偏得离谱的传中。(Every fantastic goal means an awful cross was behind it.)

FlyingAra(巴萨球迷)谁人最苦,莫过苏牙。若说无缘,却又偏偏名单有着他,若说有缘,为国建功终虚化。(Really feel sorry for Suarez. He did be in the on the list but couldn't help his country on field.)


iaJuanAG31(马拉加球迷)就没有人注意到,墨西哥队已经各项赛事22场不败了吗?(Does anyone notice that Mexican National Team is now undefeated in its last 22 games?)

NightSeven(曼联球迷)某些巴萨球迷,一天到晚比赛瞅都不瞅一眼,天天搁电视跟前等着盼着撸人家的中后卫,我不说你拉倒。 (Some barca fans are not watching the match at all but covet every CBs on field, lol.)

Toodrunkt(巴萨球迷)咋滴啊,那伊布出来你眼不也直吗?(Just like you guys on Ibra.)


Durka-Durka(未知主队球迷)当摄像对准坐在替补席上的梅西时,他竭尽全力想憋住不笑,差一点他就成功了。(Messi trying to not laugh on the bench when the fans chat his name and almost succeeding there.)


naljambox888(阿森纳球迷)我听说有个有中国政府背景的企业要以7亿英镑的价格从芬威集团收购利物浦!(I have heard that State backed Chinese group want to buy liverpoll from FSG for £ 700 m )



Stijnx(根克球迷)我喜欢抽烟,很好奇想中国人喜欢吸什么呢?I like smoking and what are they smoking over there in China ?


CallToon(凯尔特人球迷)虽然听起来很不靠谱但是如果接手红军的是真正的红军,那岂不美哉?(Story might be bull shit but what better owners for the Reds than… The Reds?)


GreatSpaniard(西班牙球迷)1944年,在纳粹德国的格罗斯洛森集中营里进行了一场足球赛,比赛双方是德军和集中营里的被囚禁的波兰人,最终波兰人赢得了比赛。而在比赛里攻入制胜球的囚徒,他的名字就叫莱万多夫斯基。(In1944, a soccer game was played in Nazi Germany concentration camp ofGros Rosen. The players were German soldiers and Polish prisoners.Poland win. Goal was scored by a prisoner named by Lewandowski.)


Nixzorr(塞维利亚球迷)伊涅斯塔这样的球员是防不住的,他的每一个技巧都闪烁着绚目的光辉。(Players like Iniesta are not meant to be frozen, that's all. Their skills are too bright. )


Habitatup(冰岛球迷)所有受过的伤,都是我闪亮的勋章。(Everything negative is all an opportunity for me to rise.)

YoSoyMilk(埃弗顿球迷)我的女朋友是威尔士人,但我却是英格兰人,今晚恐怕要在家里大干一场喽!(Havinga Welsh girlfriend and being an Englishman myself has made this a veryinteresting match. It is going to be pissy in house tonight.)



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