之前有大神数据统计显示,我团最有可能遇到的对手是娜娜,但是娜娜又双叒叕遇到了拜仁。看看外国网友怎么吐槽的吧!nnMiddleGiroud (阿森纳球迷):讲真的,什么时候欧足联能真正抽一次签啊?(Seriously, when is the the real draw?)nn-x_y_z-(德国球迷):你们以为之前我仁官推是开玩笑嘛?别忘了我们可是德国人,从来不开玩笑的…(And you thought Bayern's tweet was just a joke...we Germans don't make jokes)nnFouace(拜仁球迷):巴黎VS巴萨以及拜仁VS枪手,这已经是每年欧足联钦定的剧情了!(PSG-Bar?a and Bayern-Arsenal. As is **ing tradition.)nnHoundsHound(巴萨球迷):我觉得每年巴萨、巴黎、拜仁和阿森纳应该单独成立一个小组,优胜者直接晋级半决赛,反正每年的抽签不也都这样嘛!(I think that us, PSG, Arsenal and Bayern should just play in a league a part and the winner just show up in semifinals. At least it would make sense when considering the draws.)
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